Monday, November 26, 2012

What can I do to help?

First things first... yes, the boycott is officially on.

Next, my apologies for not updating the site more frequently.  Work and my personal life keeps getting in the way.  The good news is that I've had something of a revelation in that regard.

I can't do this by myself.  Maybe at the beginning, I thought that I could, but as the last few weeks prove, this can't be a one-man show.  I need help - your help.

What can you do?  Let's keep this simple.  I'm looking for three things:

1.  Graphic Design help: As the folks at The Drug Is Football pointed out, it's harder to take the concept of a boycott seriously when the website does not appear to have a great deal of time or effort put into it.  It's not for lack of effort - trust me.  I'm just not real good at graphic design.

On the bright side, I should be able to move things to pretty soon.

2.  "Why I'm boycotting": This week, I'm going to start a special on the site called "Why I'm boycotting".  The idea is simple - you're the best boycott advocates I can find.  All I can do is tell people why I'm boycotting, but my reasons may not be the same as yours.  So, let's let the world know the Revs have lost our business.

It can be one paragraph, one sentence, or a 3,000-word missive.  Doesn't matter to me.  I'll put it on the site.

3.  Spread the word: Talk to your friends and tell them why you won't be gong to Revs games any longer.  I'll have more about this later in the week with some suggestions on how to bring this up, how to talk to people about the boycott, and how to overcome objections.

There you go - three simple ways you can help.  Please send me an e-mail at if you wish to contribute or if you have your own ideas for ways to help.


- Mike

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